
Welcome to our new dev log post, where we show you what we are working on and features not yet seen.
Today we ask what happens when you want to make your Porble even stronger? Come into our fusion room and let us show you.

As you advance in the world of Portal Fantasy you will find harder enemies and challenges. But as a Hero, you will have your Porbles next to you, and with your guidance, they will keep leveling up and get stronger. 

But sometimes leveling alone isn't enough. That is where Majesty comes into play.

Majesty is a ranking system. Most Porbles you will find will be at level 0 of Majestiy. But you can increase it with the help of the fusion room and some...sacrifices.

Following recipes that use other Porbles and materials you can harvest all over the world, you will be able to increase the Majesty of your Porbles. There are even rumors that with the right ingredients, some Porbles can obtain a new look. 

Fusion will be available to any Hero that reaches Valeria, but you will have to use it strategically because beyond paying the price of sacrificing Porbles and other ingredients the Fusion Room will have a cooldown period before a new use. You know to recharge all the magical and technonlogical energy. 

Thank you for reading this development diary for Portal Fantasy. We will keep them until the game is finished, and if you are interested, please add the game to your wishlist on STEAM!

About the game

Portal Fantasy offers two different play styles: hero and architect. As a Hero, you can explore different worlds, befriend monsters, raise them, and make them fight. The Architect is then responsible for creating maps with tilesets that support the adventures of the Heroes.


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lets goo

so excited

Very Interesting!

Good PJ!

игре не обходимо выйти 

One of the requirements is that a hero reaches Valeria. How does one do that? Sorry - still new to the game!

Valeria is the main city. You will be at it almost from the start of the game. There will be a small intro before getting to it and after that Valeria is pretty your central hub thanks to the Portal system

Interesting system, it is not available in current beta, right?

Not yet. But soon. We are still finalizing some of the balance of this system with the rest and hope to make it available in the test version

wonderful, thanks :)

This looks really cool. Any demo coming up?

(1 edit)

Will this system be connected to your creature evolution as well?

Maybe... I cannot confirm or deny at this moment to avoid spoilers ;)

lol ok fair enough. I will keep an eye on this game then. I been checking the rest and it looks interesting

This looks cool. And the monsters inside the jars really reinforces the sacrifice part.

Thanks. Yes we decided to go for that look. It might not be the final one as this is still a work in progress.
But always nice to see others enjoying our work.

Interesting. Really like the mix of tech and magic there. Might try it just to figure what the results are. 

Thanks for your interest.  We are indeed very proud of our pixel art for the game. We decided to make it all in-house instead of using pre-made assets and there are places where it really shines out even more than usual.